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“I have 18,000 contacts on LinkedIn and I don’t make it profitable”

“With 18,000 contacts on LinkedIn and still not making it profitable… I find it difficult to capitalize on the effort I invest in social media, and I question whether I should continue with this business”.

I want to share this testimony from a client I am currently collaborating with. He is a professional with extensive experience and enviable know-how, a real diamond in the rough. Despite dedicating himself intensely to his professional network and social media, his business has yet to take off.

Sometimes I come across businesses that, despite having an extraordinary product base and generating content recurrently on social media, have deficiencies in defining their brand, their corporate image, their product portfolio (sometimes only offering one!), their value proposition, and their promotion strategy.

The direct consequence of all this is that the target audience does not grasp the message, does not understand what we do, and therefore cannot identify the benefits we offer.

Would you like to activate a successful marketing strategy? Contact me and together we will evaluate the best proposal so that your investment provides you with the success you deserve.

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