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Hello, I'm Mónica Alvarez-Soldevila

I assist individuals and businesses in developing, evolving, and expanding their products and ventures profitably, with a clear vision for the future, within a sustainable environment, and highly accountable to the people who form the organizations.

Your business is my passion, and I’m ready to be your strategic partner on this journey.

Shall we get started?

Mónica foto
Mónica foto

How can I help


Because markets transform over time, and organizational structures need to grow, evolve, and increase competitiveness…

Or to renew market positioning, identify new business opportunities, design successful and realistic sales goals…

And all this is achieved through the application of strategies adapted to each business reality. Because each client is unique.

Committed to you to maximize the potential of your company, your products, and your business projects

I help you transform your vision into results.

Your company needs TRAINING for your teams

If you have identified training needs in your Organization aimed at improving skills in these areas:

  • Sales Techniques
  • Presentation Skills
  • Managing Internal Conflicts
  • Improving Time Management
  • Successfully Launching Products to Market
  • Defining Product Portfolio

I offer you my experience as an in-company trainer to maximize your teams’ efficiency and exponentially grow their commitment.

Would you share your concerns with me, and I’ll guide you?


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