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The Problem That Turns Out to Be the Tip of the Iceberg

I want to recall a meeting I had with a mid-sized company in the food sector, where the Sales Director argued with full conviction that the failure to achieve their online sales goals was solely related to what he considered a flawed digital marketing strategy.

It was fascinating to experience, together with him and his team, how that single problem, seemingly well identified, turned out to be the tip of the iceberg of a series of issues that were actually preventing them from reaching their goals as estimated. Because sometimes, what is visible is not the only thing a company needs to address!

The detailed analysis, action plan, and redefinition of metrics will take a few months, but we needed just an engaging meeting of a little over 2 hours for all of us to identify that the failure to achieve goals was the tip of their iceberg! It’s all about actively listening, reading between the lines, interpreting messages, and asking the right questions—pure strategy!

When an organization analyzes an unfavorable situation, it’s reasonable to some extent that the assessment and the subsequent action plan may be off track or not consider certain aspects that can create controversy among different teams. This is certainly understandable since the analysis is done internally, and even key stakeholders can introduce biases.

For all these reasons, organizations turn to external consultants with the aim of addressing these needs through an objective, professional, and empathetic approach that allows them to realign their goals, processes, metrics, and ensure a profitable and successful future.

And what do I offer to my clients as a Strategic Consultant? Without a doubt, my Method 4E2P. We will work together, hand in hand, to identify what lies beneath the tip of your iceberg, and we will define the best Global Plan to resume your goal achievement, alongside your teams.

Trust in my extensive experience—I will be your best strategist!

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