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The Systemic Analysis of Organizations

I find it fascinating to observe that the world of Business Consulting is undergoing a significant evolution, or better yet, a revolution, to adapt to the new management trendsin organizations.

I can imagine your surprised expression… “Are you serious, Monica?” Well, yes! Consulting must include concepts such as profitability, KPI/OKR, Business Plan, Product Roadmap, and traditional terminology in its analyses, recommendations, and operational plans, of course. However, before tackling all of that, or even in parallel, one must consider the Systemic Analysis of the Organization because, otherwise, nothing we work on will function, neither in the short term nor, especially, in the long term.

And now you might think… “Isn’t systemic stuff for psychologists?” Well, no, it’s not limited to that application! If we realize that our companies, the ones that need to generate greater profitability, sales, Market Share, year after year, require an essential resource – that of people – to achieve objectives, then we have to place them at the center of our strategic advice, right?

And am I referring only to the human resources of the company? To the hired ones or the subcontracted ones? Well, the answer will surprise you. When we address the Systemic Approach to Organizations, we are talking about the people who make up the organizational system, where our company is at the center, and it also includes owners, clients, suppliers, competitors, and the entities that influence our sector.

I’m sure this approach to Strategic Business Consulting seems novel to you… Want to know more about it? Don’t hesitate, contact me, and I’ll be delighted to provide more details.”

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