I activate the maximum potential of your teams,
trust my experience
Training your teams always enhances the motivation of your collaborators, as well as the innovation and efficiency it brings to your future strategy.
I offer you my most successful training itineraries:
The art of asking the right questions to your client so they desire to buy your product
To increase revenues and profitability, while minimizing the effort of your commercial teams.
How to speak in public so your audiences buy your message
So that your teams’ presentations are excellent and the messages conveyed resonate with our listeners.
How to manage Conflicts to turn them into Innovation opportunities
When conflict is inevitable, the most important thing is to activate the processes and mechanisms to manage them quickly and efficiently, so our teams feel relieved.
Time Management is the key to gaining Productivity
How many times have we heard that we have hundreds of emails to respond to… That the time we dedicate is not productive… Our teams need tools and processes to make their time spent on responsibilities much more productive and efficient.
Successfully, efficiently, and profitably launching products to market
One of the most critical moments in the development of new products lies in the market launch process. This project needs to be managed with criteria, respecting timings, and ensuring a high level of quality in the content.
Creating Value Propositions for your products
We will learn to talk about our products from the perspective of our clients’ needs and the benefits we offer them, rather than just explaining the attributes of our products.
Creating robust Product Portfolios and Roadmaps
From the current Product Portfolio, and analyzing present and future market trends, our competition, and our Organization’s Innovation and Resource capacity, we create solid product Roadmaps that will serve as input for the strategic Business Plan.
How do I develop my in-company Trainings?
Through a training proposal based on extensive experience and knowledge acquired over more than 25 years, to which I incorporate:
combining theory and practice. Because the most effective way for the content to be remembered over time is by applying a good dose of individual and team practice
Content adaptation
to the specifities of the Organization and/or work teams, because every company and its collaborators are unique!
Dynamic working sessions
in which I combine role-play and gamification techniques so that knowledge ultimately modifies and improves individual, project, and/or departmental work dynamics.
I am fully convinced that, through my training itineraries, your teams will acquire the tools that will allow them to develop their responsibilities with greater efficiency and commitment to the Organization.
Your goal on the strategic learning path will also be mine!